Undergraduate Program (BSS)
GP-401: Research Methodology
Basic Elements of Social Research: Concept, Definition, Variable, Hypothesis, Theory.
Measurement, Reliability and Validity of Measurement and Data.
Sampling in Social Research.
Methods of Data Collection: Types of Data, Social Survey, Interview Method, Questionnaire Method, Document Study. Case Study, Content Analysis, Experimental Method, Observation, Focus Group Discussion, In-depth Interview, Key Informant Interview (KII), Ethnographic Research.
Research Design.
Data Processing and Analysis: Frequency Distribution, Graphical Representation of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Binominal, Poisson, Normal and Multinomial Distribution, Correlation Techniques-Contingency Tables, Chi-squire, Tests of Significance-T Test, F Test, Regression.
Report Writing.
(Field study is required for application of research methods)
A. L. Strause, Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Andrew Sayer, Method in Social Science, London: Routledge, 1992.
Bernard S. Phillips, Social Research: Strategy and Tactices, New York: Macmillan, 1976
Bridget Somekh and Cathy Lewin, Research Methods in the Social Science, New Delhi: Vistaar Publications, 2005.
Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, U.S.A.: Words Worth Publishing Company, 1983,
Ian Shapiro, Rogers M. Smith, and Tarek E. Masoud (eds.), Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
King, Keohane and Verba, Designing Social Inquiry, Princeton; New Jersey: Princeton, University Press, 1994.
Louis Cohen and Michael Holliday, Statistics for Social Scientists, London: Harper and Row Publishers, 1982.
Martin Bulmor, Sociological Research Methods: An Introduction, New Brunswick (USA) and London Transaction Publishers, 1984.
S. Bhrad waj, Case Study Method: Theory and Practice, New Delhi: National Books Organisation, 1989.
Sam Kash Kachigan, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, NY: Radius, 1991.
Smith et al, Political Research Methods: Foundations and Techniques, Houghton: Boston, 1976.
William Foote Whyte, Learning from the Field: A Guide from Experience, USA: Sage, 1984.
মোঃ আবদুল মাননান ও সামসুন্নাহার খানম মেরী, সামাজিক গবেষণা ও পরিসংখ্যান পরিচিতি, ঢাকাঃ অবসর, ২০০২ ।
GP-402: Public Policy Analysis
Basic Elements and Definitions of Public Policy; Emergence of Public Policy Analysis as a Separate Discipline, Purpose, Scope, and Context of Public Policy Analysis, Relevance of Public Policy Analysis in Politics.
Approaches to Policy-making, Politics of Policy-designing, Role of Bureaucracy, Pressure Groups, International Donors/Agencies in Public Policy-making.
Policy Implementation Analysis; Concepts and Approaches, Policy Contents and Contexts and Characteristics of Implementing Bureaucracy-an Interactive Process, Implementing Policy-focus on Field Administration, Politics-administration Dichotomy-the Convergence vis-a-vis Divergence of Political and Bureaucratic Actors, Problems of Implementation with Reference to Developing Countries, Mechanisms of Policy-monitoring During Implementation.
Policy Evaluation; Approaches to Evaluation-planning and Needs Evaluation, Process Evaluation, Efficiency Evaluation, Impact Evaluation.
Inter-disciplinary Nature of Public Policy Analysis; Political, Economic, Social and Ethical etc.
(Selected Policy Issues from Bangladesh will be examined. Field work is necessary).
Allison, Graham., Essence of Decision, Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1971.
Bardach, Eugene, The Implementation Game, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1977.
Edwords, George, Implementing Public Policy, Washington D.C.: Congress Quarterly Press, 1980.
Grindle, Merille S. (ed.), Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980.
Ham Christopher and Michael Hill (ed.), The Policy Process in the Modern Capitalist State, New York: St. Martin Press, 1984.
Jones, Charles, An Introduction to the Study of Public Policy, Mass: Duxbury Press, 1975.
M. Abul Kashem Mozumder, Politics of designing Public Policies in the Third World: A Critic”, BIISS Journal, Vol.15, No.2, 1994.
-------, “Implementing Public Policies: A Critical Appraisal of Third Linkage Between Content and Context”, Development Review, Vol. 6, Nos. 1 & 2, 1994, pp. 14-30.
-------, “Managing Development Policies and Programmes: A focus on Internal Dynamics of Field Bureaucracy”, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Annual Issue), 1996, pp. 23-44.
Susan, Barrett and Colin Fudge (ed.), Policy and Action, London: Methuen, 1981.
Md. Abdul Mannan, Elections and Democracy in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Academic Press, 2005.
আল মাসুদ হাসানউজ্জামান, বাংলাদেশে সংসদীয় গণতন্ত্র, রাজনীতি ও গভর্ন্যান্স, ঢাকাঃ ইউপিএল, ২০০৯ ।
GP 403: Media and Politics
Theorization of Media and Politics
The Evolution of Media from Historical Perspective
Traditional Media, Printing Media, Electronic Media, The Importance of Free Media, Media, Democracy and Democratization
Theory of Media and Power: The Theory of Communicative Action of Jurgen Habermas, Selected Theories of Michel Foucault on Governmentality, Nomchonsky, Biopolitics, Biopower and Disciplinary Power
Conventional Media
The Role of Government in Establishing Mass Media
Media and Political Movement
Democracy and the Political Economy of Media
Corporate Media in Shaping Politics and Net Neutrality
Propaganda as Social Control
Social Media, Big Data and Surveillance
Social Media as an Alternative Media
Social Media and Political Campaigning
Creating Big Data by Social Media.
Mass Surveillance and Privacy
The Role of Algorithms in Shaping Political Opinion
Information War by Hackers and Leakers
Balancing Public Security and Civil Liberty
Boulianne, S. Revolution in the making? Social media effects across the globe. Information, Communication & Society, doi:10.1080/1369118X.2017.1353641, 2017.
Cantijoch, M., Cutts, D., & Gibson, R. Moving slowly up the ladder of political engagement: A ‘spill-over’ model of internet participation. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18(1), 26-48, 2016.
Harold A. Innis, “Introduction,” and “The Bias of Communication” in The Bias of Communication (Toronto: University of Toronto Press): 33-60. Marshall McLuhan. 1964. “The Media is the Message” in Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (New York: Signet): 23-35, 1951.
Jenkins, Henry, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: NYU Press, 2006.
Jurgen Habermas, Theory of Communicative Action. Boston: Beacon Press, 1987.
Maria Bonnafus-Boucher, The Concept of Subjectivation: A Cwntral Issue in Governmentality and Government of Self. In. Sam Binkley, Jorge Capetillo Eds. A Foucault for the 21st Century: Governmentality, Biopolitics and Discipline in the New Millennium. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. P. 81, 2009.
Mattelart, Armand, Networking the World, 1794-2000. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000.
Mosco, Vincent, The Digital Sublime: Myth, Power, and Cyberspace. Cambridge, 2004.
Sassen, Saskia. Ed., Global Networks, Linked Cities. London: Routledge, 2002.
GP-404: Legislative Process in Bangladesh
Legislatures as Institutions in New States-Legislative origins and History-growth of legislatures in British India; Bengal Legislatures, Legislatures in United Pakistan.
Legislatures in Bangladesh: Formation and Functioning.
Rules of Procedure; Arrangement of Legislative Business, Rules of Debate and Deliberation.
The Speaker and his Designated Role.
Legislative Functions of Parliament; Authority of Parliament and Stages in Legislative Process.
Financial Functions of Parliament; Financial Procedure in Parliament: the Financial Scrutiny by the House.
Oversight Functions of the Parliament; Parliamentary Control of the Executive; Parliamentary Committees and Functioning of the Committee System.
Representative Functions of the Parliament; Policy Roles and Electoral Duties of the MPs; Sovereignty of the Legislature; Challenges.
The Parliament Secretariat; Organization and Role.
The Private Sector and its Interaction with the Parliament.
Gender Balance and Gender Issues in Parliament.
(Field study is required for observation of Parliamentary session and interviewing MPs and Policy Makers)
Ameller, M. Parliaments: A Comparative Study on the Structure and Functioning of Representative Institutions in 55 Countries, London: Cassell for the Inter Parliamentary Union, 1966.
Blondel. J. Comparative Legislatures, Englewood cliffs. N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1973.
Buston and Drewry, Legislation and Public Policy, London: 1986.
Butt, R.The Power of Parliament, London: Constable, 1967.
Husain, Shawkat Ara, Politics and Society in Bengal, Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1991.
K. M. Mahiuddin, The Parliamentary Committees in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning, Sarrbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009.
Limited. Smith and Musolf (eds), Legislatures in Development Dynamics of Change in New and Old States, Durhom: DUP, 1979.
Nizam Ahmed and A. T. M. Obiduallh (eds.) The Working of Parliamentary Committees in Westminster Systems: Lessons for Bangladesh, Dhaka: the University Press Limited, 2007.
Nizam Ahmed, Limits of Parliament Control: Public Spending in Bangladesh, Dhaka, UPL, 2006.
Nizam Ahmed, The Parliament of Bangladesh, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2002.
Taiabur Rahman, Parliamentary Control and Government Accountability, London and New York: Routledge, 2008.
Wheare, K. C. Legislatures. London: Oxford University Press, 1968.
আল মাসুদ হাসানউজ্জামান, বাংলাদেশে সংসদীয় গণতন্ত্র, রাজনীতি ও গভর্ন্যান্স, ঢাকাঃ ইউপিএল, ২০০৯ ।
GP-405: Constitutional Development in Bangladesh
Concept of Constitution and Constitutionalism; Approaches to the Study of Constitution.
The Constitution: Preamble to the Constitution and Main Features; Directive Principles of State Policy; Fundamental Rights and Duties; Procedure for the Amendment to the Constitution; Caretaker Government; and Major Constitutional Amendment.
The Executive: The President – Qualification for the Office and the System of Election; Powers and Functions of the President; Methods to Remove the President; The Prime Minister- Power and Function, Cabinet, Council of Ministers.
The Legislature: Jatiya Sangsad-composition, Powers and Functions; Role of Opposition in the Parliament; Article 70 and its Implications; Parliamentary Standing Committee.
The Judiciary: Organization; Powers and Functions of the Supreme Court; Appointment, Tenure and Removal of Judges; Organization of Subordinates Courts.
The Election Commission; The office of the Attorney-General; the Comptroller and Auditor-General; the Public Service Commission; the Information Commission; the Human Rights Commission.
A. M. M. Shawkat Ali, Bangladesh Civil Service: A Political-Administrative Perspective, Dhaka: University Press, 2004.
Dilara Choudhury, Constitutional Development in Bangladesh. Karachi: Oxford University Press, USA, 1997.
GOB, The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. National Legislative Bodies, 1972.
K. M. Mahiuddin, The Parliamentary Committees in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning, Sarrbrücken (Germany): VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009.
Md. Abdul Mannan, Elections and Democracy in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Academic Press, 2005.
Nazma Ahmed, Non-Party Caretaker Government in Bangladesh, Dhaka: UPL, 2004.
Nizam Ahmed, The Parliament of Bangladesh, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002.
Syed G. Ahmed, Public Personnel Administration in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Ltd., 1986.
আল মাসুদ হাসানউজ্জামান, বাংলাদেশে সংসদীয় গণতন্ত্র, রাজনীতি ও গভর্ন্যান্স, ঢাকাঃ ইউপিএল, ২০০৯ ।
আল মাসুদ হাসানউজ্জামান সম্পাদিত বাংলাদেশে নির্বাচন, ঢাকাঃ প্রথমা, ২০০৮ ।
এম সাখাওয়াত হোসেন, বাংলাদেশে নির্বাচনী সংস্কার, ঢাকাঃ প্রথমা, ২০০৮ ।
মোজাফফর আহমেদ চৌধুরী, ..........
GP-406: Environmental Politics: Issues and Challenges
Environment, Relation Between Environment and Politics; Political Ecology: Scope and Importance of Political Ecology; Political Dynamics Behind Environmental Issues
Environmental Political Thinking: Green Political Thought, Ecologism, Ecofeminism, Collective Actions of People Towards Environment, Theories of Common Pool Resources
Environment and Justice, Human Rights and Global Scenario, Environmental Racism, Environmental Conflict and Social Movement
Social Dynamics of Climate Change and its Relation with Broader Policy Making, Role of Developed World and Third World Countries, Carbon Emissions, Greenhouse Gasses and UN Role Environmental Security, River Sharing Issues and Consequences of Big Dam
Environmental Governance, Laws and Regulations Regarding Environment, Global Environmental governance, Water Governance (local and global), Environmental Management Environment and Development, Environment Issues in Development Discourses, Technique and Management, Sustainable Development
Emergence of Environment on the Political Agenda of Bangladesh: Convergences and Divergences among Sectoral Approaches, Water Issue, pollution Issue, Climate Issues; Environmental Security and concerning Issues, Steps Taken by Government Concerning Environment Issues, Environmental Laws of Bangladesh and Challenges, Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan-2009; Role of Civil Society, NGOs and IGOs in Environmental Governance of Bangladesh
Role of Bangladesh as a part of Global Environmental Governance.
(Field study is required for observation disaster management programs)
Anthony Giddens, The Politics of Climate Change( 2nd edition),Polity Press, Cambridge, 2011
Andrew Goudie, The Human Impact on the Natural Environment: Past, Present and Future, UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2005
Avijit Gupta, Ecology and Development in the Third World, New York: Routledge, 1988.
…..…, Ecofeminism, Zed Books, 1993.
Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, New York: Cambridge International Press, 1990
Hameeda Hossain et. al. (ed.), from Crisis to Development: Coping with disasters in Bangladesh, Dhaka: UPL, 1992
Jafar Ahmed Chowdhury, Essays on environment, Dhaka: Botomul, 2007
Kingsley Daris & M A Bernstam (eds.), Resources, Environment and Population; Present Knowledge and Future Options, Oxford University Press, 1991.
Narottam Gaan, Environment and National security: A case of South Asia, Dhaka; UPL, 2000.
Nazmul Alam & M. Abul Kashem Mozumder, Tipaimukh and The beyond, Dhaka: AH development, 2009.
Neil Carter, Environment: Ideas, activism, Policy, Cambridge University press, Cambridge, 2001.
Paul Robbins, Political Ecology, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, 2004.
Peter Bartelmus, Environment, Growth and Development: The concepts and Strategies of Sustainability, New York: Routhledge, 1994.
Rafique Ahmed & S. Dara Shamsuddin (eds.), Climate Change: Issues and perspective for Bangladesh, Shahitya Prakash, Dhaka, 2011.
Raushan Jahan, Environment and Development: Gender Perspective, Dhaka: Women for Women, 1995.
Timothy Doyle & Doug McEachern ,Environment and Politics, Routhledge, New York, 2008
Vandana Shiva, Staying Alive, Zed Books, 1989.
407: Political Systems of South East Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam
The Region: Social and Cultural Setting, Historical and Colonial Experiences, Nationalist Movements; Nation-Building and State-building Process.
Political Systems: Structure of State and Government, Constitution and Constitutional Power, Organs of Government; Party System, Elections, Military in politics, Role of Civil Society, Local Government and Peoples Participation
Common Features of the Region: Democratization Process and Authoritarian Trend, Leadership Pattern, Political Instability, Ethnic Politics, Corruption Issues, Governance Challenges
Extra-constitutional Movements &Regional Cooperation- ASEAN.
Almond and Coleman, (ed.), Politics of the Developing Areas, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1964.
Brian Harrison, South East Asia: A Short History, New York-St.: Martin Press, 1966.
David J. Steinburg, In Search of Southeast Asia, NY: Praeger Publishers, 1971.
Dr Sar Desai, South East Asia: Past and Present, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1981.
Geerge McTurnan Kahin, Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1952.
-------, Government and Politics of Southeast Asia, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1964.
J. G. Taylor and Turton, Sociology of Developing Societies-South East Asia, London: MacMillan, 1871.
Lucian W. Pye. South East Asia’s Political Systems, New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs Prentice Hall, 1967.
Monique Skidmore and Trevor Wilson (eds), Myanmar: The State, Community and the Environment, Canberra: Asia Pacific Press and the Australian National University, 2007.
N. Ganesan and Kyaw Yin Hlaing (eds.), Myanmar: State, Society and Ethnicity, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007.
R. S. Milne and Diane K. Mauzy, Malaysian Politics under Mahathir, London: Routledge, 1999.
Richard Butwell, South-East Asia Today and Tomorrow: Problems of Political development, London: Pall Mall Press, 1969.
Smith M Roger (ed.), South -East Asia: Documents of Political Development and Change, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1974.
Van Der Mehden, Religion and Nationalism in Southeast Asia, Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1964.
GP-408: Political Systems of Africa: South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania and Kenya
Socio-Cultural and Political Background of African States: Land, Climate, Resources, Ethnic Diversity, Culture and Religion
Indigenous Political System and Institutions- kinship and Lineage Based Institutions; Elaborate System of Checks and Balances.
Colonial Inheritance: Colonization in Africa, Forces Driving Colonialism, Scramble for Africa, European Domination and Their motives, Clashes Between Colonizers, Comparison Between British and French Style of Colonization, Westernization, Modern State and Institution Formation
National Movements and Decolonization: Colonial Economic Policy, Roots of African Underdevelopment, Crisis of Colonialism, anti-colonial Movements and Decolonization (anti-colonial Strategies: Violent and Non-violent (Case study- Negritude Movement, Pan Africanism, Mau Uprising in Kenya and MAJI WAR in Tanzania).
State Ideologies: Post-colonial African Nationalism, African Socialism, Populism, State Capitalism, Liberal Democracy, Influence of Islamic Values and Ideas on Post-colonial Political System.
Structure of State and Government: Constitution and Constitutional Institutions, Organs of Government; Party System, Elections, Military Influence in Politics, Pressure Group Politics, Role of Civil Society, Local Government Structure and Procedures.
Common Features of the Region: Post-colonial Development, Democratization Process and Authoritarian Trend, Leadership Style and Crisis of Politics, Ethnic Division of Society and its Impacts, Political Conflict and Violence, Conflict Resolution, Corruption Issues in Politics, Development and Governance Challenges
Adrienne Lebas, From Protest to Parties: Party-Building and Democratization in Africa, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Africa: The Wind of Change, (Book chapter ) in Palmer and Parkins, International Relations, New Delhi: CBS, 1985,pp.502-531.
Andrew Reynolds, Electoral Systems and Democratization in Southern Africa, Oxford University Press, 1999.
Anirudha Gupta, Politics in Africa: Personalities, Issues and Ideologies, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1988.
Audu Jacob, “Pre-Colonial Political Administration in the North Central Nigeria: A Study of The Igala Political Kingdom”, European Scientific Journal July 2014 Edition Vol.10, No.19
Çağrı Tuğrul Mart, “ British colonial education policy in Africa”, Internal Journal of English and literature Vol. 2(9), pp. 190-194, December 2011
Daniel Branch, Kenya: Between Hope and Despair, 1963–2011, Yale University Press publications, 2011.
Giovanni M. Carbone, “Political Parties and Party Systems in Africa: Themes and Research Perspectives”, World Political Science Review, Volume 3, Issue 3 2007 Article 1.
Godwin R. Murunga and Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o (ed.), Kenya: The Struggle for Democracy,London: ZED Books, 2007.
Goran Hyden, African Politics in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Grace Malachi Brown, “Nigerian Political System: An Analysis”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 10 [Special Issue – May 2013]
Guy Martin, African Political Thought, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
J. P. Mackintosh, Nigerian Government and Politics, London: George Allan and Unwin, 1966.
J.S.Colenan, Background to Nationalism in Nigeria, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971.
Jack Goody, Technology, Tradition and the State in Africa, London: Cambridge University Press, 1971.
Jeurgen Reuland, Maria-Gabriela Manea and Hans Born (ed.),The Politics of Military Reform: Experiences from Indonesia and Nigeria, Springer, 2013.
John Dunn, “The politics of representation and good government in post-colonial Africa” in Patrick Chabal (eds.) Political Domination in Africa: Reflections on the limits of power, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
K. A. Busia, Africa in Search of Democracy, London: Routledge & Kegam Paul, 1967.
Keith Kyle, The Politics of the Independence of Kenya, Palgrave Macmillan, 1999.
M. A. Mohamed Salih and others, Political Parties in Africa: Challenges for Sustained Multiparty Democracy, Stockholm: IDEA, 2007.
M. Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard (Ed), African Political System, Oxford University Press, 1950
M.A. Mohamed Salih (eds.) African Political Parties: Evolution, Institutionalisation and Governance, London : Pluto Press,2003.
Matthijs Bogaards and Sebastian Elischer (Eds.), Democratization and Competitive Authoritarianism in Africa, Springer,2016,pp.5-18, 173-190.
Ndirangu Mwaura, Kenya today-breaking the yoke of colonialism in Africa, Algora Publishing, 2005.
Odeyemi, Jacob Oluwole, “ A Political History of Nigeria and the Crisis of Ethnicity in Nation-Building”, International Journal of Developing Societies Vol. 3, No. 1, 2014, 87-95
Olorungbemi Simeon Toyin, “The Impact of Military Coup D’etat on Political Development in Nigeria”, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 6, No. 10; October 2015
Paul S. Landau, Popular Politics in the History of South Africa: 1400–1948, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Pius Msekwa, Reflections on the First Multi-Party Parlaiment:1995-2000, Dar es Salaam University Press Ltd.,2000.
S. M. Shamsul Alam, Rethinking Mau Mau in Colonial Kenya, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Said Adejumobi, Governance and Politics in Post-Military Nigeria: Changes and Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Samir Amin, Neo-Colonialism in Africa, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1971.
Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way, Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Thomson Alex, An introduction to African politics, Routledge, 2010.
Usman A. Tar, The Politics of Neoliberal Democracy in Africa State And Civil Society in Nigeria, London , New York: Tauris Academic Studies,2009.
Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Bogle-L'Ouverture Publications, London and Tanzanian Publishing House, 1973 ( 6th reprint, 1983),pp.93-202.
GP-409: Security Studies
Security: Meaning, Scope and Approaches, Frankfruit School, Copenhagen School, Paris School.
Theory of Realism and Theory of Idealism in Security Studies.
Conventional Non-Conventional Security.
Securitization and De-securitization
Issues of Human Security: Concept, Evolution and Paradigm Shift in Development Discourse.
Forms of Human Security: Personal Security, Feminist Aspects of Security, Political Security, Communal Security, Environmental Security, Health Security and Food Security.
The Emergent Security Issues of Post-Cold War Era: Military Threats, Terrorism and Globalization, Management of Security – National/International – Collective Security-NATO, Cooperative Security - ASEAN, ANZUS – Regional Cooperation with Particular Reference to South Asia - Disarmament and non-Proliferation, Transnational Crime and Comparative Justice, Crime Against Humanity.
Security of Small States with Special Reference to Bangladesh, Singapore, Bhutan and Maldives.
Buzan, Barry, People, States, Fear, New York: Harvester Wheatseaf, 1991.
Hafiz, A.M., and Khan, Rob A., (eds.), Security of Small States, Dhaka: UPL, 1987.
Islam, M. Tarikul., and Sarker, K., (eds.), Human Security, Peace and Development: South Asian Perspective, Kolkata: Readers Service, 2018.
Ken Boulding, Conflict and Defense, New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1962.
Lester R. Brown, “Redefining National Security”, In brown et.al. eds. State of the World, Washington, DC: Worldwatch Paper, 1986.
Maniruzzaman, T., The Security of Small States in the Third World, Dhaka: Academic Publishers, 1989.
Mohammed Ayoob, The Third World Security Predicament: State Making, Regional Conflicts, and the International System, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1995.
Olava Otunnu, The Peace and Security Agenda of the United Nations: From a Crossroads into the Next Century, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1999.
Thoms Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict, New York: Oxford University Press, 1960.