Center for Governance Studies (CGS)
The name of the center shall be Center for Governance Studies, Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University.
The Center shall be a non-profit organization. The purposes of the Center shall reflect both short term and long-term objectives. The specific objectives of the Center shall be the following:
All teachers of the Department of Government and Politics shall be general members of the Center.
There shall be a executive committee to run the affairs of the Center. The committee shall be formed by the academic committee of the Department of Government and Politics.
The composition of the seven-member Executive Committee shall be as follows:
Section 2:
The ultimate authority of the Center shall be vested in the Executive Committee. The business of the Center shall be managed and run by the Executive Committee. The committee shall be formed for a period of two years. If situation demands, the tenure of the committee shall be extended for another one year. No member of the Committee shall be allowed to act either as Chairperson or as member more than for two consecutive terms.
The center, through its membership and nominated committees, shall have the power to take all lawful action which is appropriate to the attainment of its purposes.
The Center shall prepare annual budget taking into account its planned annual activities. Every year in January, the Executive Committee shall prepare budget for the Center.
The Center shall mobilize its financial resources and logistic support both from internal and external sources.
The Center shall have its own bank SB account which shall be run by joint signatures of the Chairperson of the Center and the Chairman of the Department of Government and Politics acting as an ex-officio member. All contributions must be deposited with the bank account of the Center.
The Center shall conduct yearly audit and the audited statement of the account shall be placed before the general body.
The Executive Committee shall present its annual report before the general body of the Center covering activities for a period of one year.
If case of necessity, the Academic Committee of the Department of Government and Politics shall have the authority to amend the constitution of the Center apart from Article-1 and Article- 2.