Graduate Program (MSS)

MSS Syllabus

Master of Social Science (MSS) Syllabus
(Sessions: 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022)
The Structure of Examination and Course Outline

Courses of study for a Masters Degree in Government and Politics shall extend over one academic year and the final examination shall be held at the end of the academic year. The program is arranged under two groups- General and Thesis. The students doing a Masters Degree in Government and Politics in the General Group shall undertake courses as prescribed below totaling 700 marks. A Thesis Group student shall undertake courses totaling 500 marks, and submit a thesis/dissertation carrying 200 marks.

The total marks allotted to each course will be distributed between written examination, and class work consisting of terminal tests, tutorials and class attendance, in the ratio of 70:20:10.

Tutorial evaluation (20 percent marks for each course) shall be carried out through tutorial examination/class evaluation and terminal tests etc. In addition, the students (both groups) shall be required to take a Viva-Voce examination carrying 50 marks. Failure to appear at the Viva-Voce Examination shall disqualify a student from passing the examination.

The Structure of Examination
Examination Thesis Group General Group
Marks Credit Marks Credit
Written 500 20 700 28
Thesis 200 8 - -
Viva-Voce 50 2 50 2
Total 750 30 750 30
Compulsory Courses
Course No Course Title Marks Credit
GP 501 Political Thought: Recent and Contemporary 100 4
GP 502 Modern Political Analysis 50 2
GP 503 Governance: Issues and Dynamics 100 4
GP 504 Development Studies 50 2
GP 505 Foreign Policy of Bangladesh 100 4
GP 506 Racism, Multi-Culturalism and Ethnic Politics 50 2
GP 507 Democracy: Theory and Practice 50 2
Total 500 20
Optional Courses

(For non-thesis group 200 marks (8 credit hour) only from following optional courses.)

Course No Course Title Marks Credit
GP 508 Political Management in Bangladesh 50 2
GP 509 Party Politics in Bangladesh 50 2
GP 510 Planning and Project Management 50 2
GP 511 Peasant Politics 50 2
GP 512 Religion and Politics 50 2
GP 513 Human Rights and Social Justice 50 2
GP 514 Military and Politics 50 2
GP 515 E-Governance 50 2
GP 516 Corruption: Socio-economic and Political Dimensions 50 2
GP 517 Feminism in Political Discourse 50 2
GP 518 Political Anthropology 50 2
Course Outline

GP-501: Political Thought: Recent and Contemporary

Learning Objectives
  • To provide students with an overview of the contemporary major political theorists and their work ranging from Marx to the present.
  • To facilitate students to go on with debates in contemporary political theory, and be acquainted with the empirical examples that manifest these debates.
  • To bear out the ideas on contemporary thinkers, allowing gaining comprehensive view of the arguments.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to clearly and effectively communicate their own ideas, both verbally and in written form.
  • To analyze various primary sources of political theory and understand how these theories can be applied to solve problems in society.
Course Content

Idealism: Kant, Hegel.

Scientific Socialism: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao-Ze-Dong, Revisionism: Bernstein, Kautsky, Neo-Marxism: Anthony Gramsci, Louis Pierre Althusser.

Existentialism: Jean Paul Sartre, Simon-de- Beauvoir.

Post-Colonial Thinkers: Franz Fanon, Hamza Alavi, Samir Amin, Foucault.

Orientalism: Edward Said, Egalitarian-Liberalism: John Rawls, Libertarianism: Robert Nozick, Communitarianism: Michal J. Sandal.

Post Modernism, New-Colonialism.

Selected Readings

Alavi, Hamza, The state in post-colonial societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh, New Left review, No74, July August, 1972.

Blanc, Paul Le (eds.), From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader in Revolutionary Marxist Politics, Humanities Press, New Jersey, 1996.

Chomsky, Noam & Herman, Edward S., Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, New York, Pantheon Books, 1988.

Dryzek, John S.; Honig, Bonnie & Phillips, Anne (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, Oxford, 2006.

Foucault, M, Discipline and Punish, Phantheon, New York

Gramsci, Antonio, Prison Notebooks, Columbia University Press, New York, 1992.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto and Other Writings, New York: International Publishers, 1971.

M. E. Marty and R. S Appleby (ed.), Fundamentalism Observed, Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1994.

Paul Le Blance (ed.), From Marx to Gramsci, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1996.

Sen, Amartaya, The Idea of Justice, Allan lane and Harvard University Press, 2009.

Simone De Beauvoir, The Second Sex, New York: Vintage, 2011.

William Ebenstein, Modern Political Thought, Calcutta: World Press, 1974.

আবুল কাসেম ফজলুল হক (সম্পাদিত অনুবাদ), মাওসেতুং এর রচনাবলীর নির্বাচিত বাণী, ঢাকাঃ চলন্তিকা বইঘর ১৯৯২ ।

সৈয়দ মকসুদ আলী, ফরাসী বিপবোত্তর রাষ্ট্রচিন্তা, ঢাকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, ১৯৮৪ ।

মোঃ আবদুল মান্নান, সমকালীন রাজনৈতিক তত্ত্ব বিশ্লেষণ, ঢাকা, অবসর ২০০৯ ।

আবদুল লতিফ মাসুম (সম্পাদিত), সমকালীন রাষ্ট্রদর্শন, ঢাকা, বুকফেয়ার ২০১৪ ।

GP-502: Modern Political Analysis

Learning Objectives
  • To deliver students with the foundation for further study of Political Science, covering such areas as philosophy of social science, scientific methods, theoretical and methodological debates and skills key to critical reading, writing and analysis.
  • To enhance students’ understanding ranging from conventional to modern critical approaches to political analysis.
  • To explore the assumptions that underpins different theoretical traditions in the discipline, and the strengths and limitations of each approach.
Learning Outcomes
  • Ability to use and apply the theories and methods in the study of Political Science.
  • Aptitude to think critically analyze texts and essays in the social science in general and political science in particular.
Course Content

Meaning and Complexities of Political Analysis; Political Analysis: Art or Science; Orientations of Political Analysis; Behariouralism and Post-behariouralism.

Techniques of Analysis: Law, Generalization, Causal Analysis, Paradigms and Paradigmatic Analysis. Fact-value Dichotomy; Objectivity and Neutrality in Political Science; Social Values; Measurement in Political Analysis.

A critical Analysis of Application of Some Approaches, Theories and Models, Rational Choice.

Conceptual and Distributive Analysis: Power, Authority and influence. Effectiveness and Legitimacy of the Political Authority.

Political Systems and Political Regimes: Characteristics of Political Systems, Types of Political Systems; Political Regimes and its Variations.

Political Life and Political Man: The Apolitical Stratum; the Political Stratum; Varieties of Political Man.

Political Analysis Framework: Description and Analysis. Elements in the Political Analysis Framework: Actors, Motivations/Interest, Participation, Resources, Strategies and Tactics, Influence, Action Channels.

Some Areas of Political Analysis: Political Participation; Voting Behaviour; Public Opinion; Mass-Mobilization; Attitude Study.

Selected Readings

Alan C. Isaak, Scope and Methods of Political Science, Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1975.

Arnold Brecht, Political Theory: The Foundations of Twentieth Century Political Thought, Princeton: PUP, 1984.

Baruch Brody (ed.), Readings in the Philosophy of Science, Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992.

Bernard S. Phillip, Social Research: Strategy and Tactics, NY: McMillan, 1976.

Gcorge Graham, Methodological Foundation for Political Analysis, Waltham, Massa: Xerox College, 1971.

James L. Payne, Foundation of Empirical Political Analysis, Chicago: Markham, 1973.

King, Keohane and Verba, Designing Social Inquiry, New Jersey: Princeton up, 1994.

Robert Dahl, Modern Political Analysis, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1992.

Sam Kash Kachigan, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, NY: Radius, 1991.

Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: CUP, 1970.

GP-503: Governance: Issues and Dynamics

Learning Objectives
  • To introduce students with different meaning and concept of governance found in professional literature and discourse
  • To achieve in-depth expertise with the issues and controversies in the study and practice of governance.
  • To be accustomed to different tools of governance that are used to support various arguments and proposals for different approaches to governance policy and practice
Learning Outcomes
  • To develop debate on behalf of their own views concerning the applicability of the concept of governance to public administration policy and practice.
  • To produce arguments professionally and persuasively in class discussions, in written assignments, and in oral presentations.
  • To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to governance from the context of developing countries in general and Bangladesh in particular.
Course Content

Governance: Origins of the Concepts, Meaning of Good Governance and Mal Governance

Democratization and Governance; Institutional Framework and Competence, Legitimacy and Authority, Transparency and Accountability, Political Leadership, Capability, State Participatory Process.

Governance – Legislature and Legislative Control, Judiciary, Public administrative Process, Legal Order, Implementing Human Rights.

Governance and Economy, Growth, Stability and Equity, Urbanization Process

Governance and Institution Building, Party Process and Institutionalization, Bureaucratic Development and Bureaucratization, Civil Society, Building Blocks, Interest Group Behaviour and Internal Dynamics. Informal Governance.

Local Governance and NGOs, Donor Perspectives, Role of Informal Structures, Dispute Resolution Process and Customer Access.

Corporate Governance

Governance and the International Development Community – multi-national Corporation: Globalization: Global Governance

(Cases will be drawn from developing societies with particular reference to Bangladesh).

Selected Readings

Ball, Alan, Modern Politics and Government, London: Macmillan Press, 1977.

DeSilva, K. M. (ed.), Problems of Governance, New Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1993.

Finkle and Gable, Political Development and social Change, New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2nd edition, 1971.

Hasanuzzaman, Al Masud and Alam, Shamsul (eds.), Political Management in Bangladesh, Dhaka: AH Development Publishers House, 2010.

John, Toye, Dilemmas of development, UK: Baril Blackwell, 1987.

Katarina, Toma Seusk, Development Aid and Human Rights, London: Pinter Pub. 1989.

Rahman, Ataur, “Challenges of Governance in Bangladesh”, BIISS Journal, Vol.14, Number 4, October, 1993.

Rehman, Sobhan, Public Enterprise in Intermediate Regime, Dhaka: BIDS, 1993.

Schumpeter. J. A, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: New Delhi: S. Chand & Co., 1980.

Solo, Robert A. The Positive State, New York: South Westview Publisher. 1982.

Todaro, Michael P., Economic Development in the Third World, New York: Longman, 1986.

Wood, G. D., Bangladesh Whose Ideas Whose Interests, Dhaka: UPL, 1954.

GP-504: Development Studies

Learning Objectives
  • To focus on the issues and challenges associated with development phenomenon in the context of developing countries giving special emphasis on Bangladesh.
Learning Outcomes
  • To demonstrate academic discussion, debate and deliberation in both oral and written form.
Course Content

Development: Meaning, Concept and Multiple Dimensions.

Marx, Malthus, Rostow

Contemporary Issues and Approaches: The Role of State and Market; Neo-liberalism

Agency, Structure, “Wellbeing” and actors; Knowledge Based development; Choice, Freedom and Development;

Structural Change and Development; Inclusive Development.

Development Actors and Mechanism

Agents of Development: Political Parties, Bureaucracy, Civil Society, Interest Groups, NGOs, Information Technology and Media. Washington Consensus and Post Washington Consensus; The Role of the WTO, World Bank, IMF. International Financial Organizer

Changing Perspectives of Development; Sustainable Development: Poverty Recent Debates and New Direction:; Post Development thought-Dilemmas of Development’ The Failure of Development; The Start of Consensus;

Human Development and Social Sector Strategies: Capability Approach, Development as Freedom: Population, Education, Health and Nutrition, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Pollution and Environmental Regulations

(Field study is required for observation of development projects)
Selected Readings

Adams, W. M., Green Development, London: Taylor & Francis, 2007.

Corbridge, Stuart, (ed.) Development Studies: A Reader, London: Edward Arnold, 1995.

Crush, Jonethan, (ed.), Power of Development, London: Routledge, 1995.

David, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, London: Abacus, Kothari, Uma and Minogue, 2002.

Escober, A. Encountering Development, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

Frank, Andre Gunder, “The Development of Underdevelopment”, Monthly Review, 17 September, 17-31., 1966.

Galbraith, John Kenneth, Economic Development, London: OUP, 1965.

Ghatak, Subrata, Introduction to Development Economics, London: Routledge, 1995.

Haque, M. Shamsul, Restructuring Development Theories and Policies, Albany: State University of New Landes, 1999).

Martin, Development Theory and Practice: Critical Perspectives, 2002.

R. Wade, Governing the Market, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2003.

Rahman, Atiq and Hoq, Saleemul (eds.), Environment and Development in Bangladesh, Vols. 1 & 2.

Rapley, John, Understanding Development, Theory and Practice in the third World, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 2002.

Redolift, Michael, Sustainable Development: Exploring the Contradictions, London: Routledge, 1987.

Seers, Dudlcy, Meaning of Development, London: Frances Pinter Ltd., 1983.

Sharma, Soumitra, Development Strategy and the Development Countries, New Delhi: South Asian Publishers, 1983.

Stiglitz, Joseph, State Versus Market-Have Asian Currency Crises Affected the Reforms, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1999.

Todaro, Michael P. and. Smith, Stephen C. Economic Development (Eighth Edition), London: Addison Wesley, 2003.

Todero, Development Economic, New York: Addison Wesley, 2002.

Toye, John, Dilemmas-Development, Oxford: Blackwell, Valenzuela, 1993.

Turner, M., Hulme, D. Governance, Administration and Development: Making the State Work, London: Macmillan, 1997.

Wilber, Charles K., Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, New York: McGraw-Hill College, 1995.

World Bank, The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy, New York: University Press, 1993.

GP- 505: Foreign Policy of Bangladesh

Learning Objectives
  • To familiarize the student with fundamental notions and determinants in the study of foreign policy particularly it intends to acquaint the learners with foreign policy of Bangladesh.
  • To give an introduction to multilateral relations of Bangladesh with nation states – with distinctive attention on major powers – international and regional organizations.
Learning Outcomes
  • To apply skill to critically analyze nature and dimension of foreign policy of Bangladesh.
Course Content

Foreign policy: Concept, Goals, Behaviour and Determinants.

Emergence of Bangladesh: Historical Background – Big power diplomacy during the Liberation War; Impact of the Emergence of Bangladesh on International Affairs.

Small States in World Politics – security, Military and Non-military.

Foreign Policy of Bangladesh - (a) Goals, Determinants and Policy formulation Process. (b) Security, geopolitical and environmental issues – Defence Strategy of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh and the Major Powers – USA, former USSR-Russia, China, Japan, UK.

Bangladesh and its Neighbours.

Bangladesh and the Third World – The Non-aligned Movement and Bangladesh.

Bangladesh and the Muslim World.

Bangladesh and the United Nations.

Bangladesh and Multilateral Organizations – European Union, SAARC, OPEC, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, SAPTA, SAFTA, BIMSTEC, D-8, etc.

Selected Readings

Ahmed, Emajuddin (ed.), Foreign Policy of Bangladesh, Dhaka: UPL, 1984.

Bangladesh South Asia and the World, Dhaka: Academic Publication, 1992.

Choudhury, Dilara, Bangladesh and the South Asian International System, London: Scorpion Publishers, 1992.

Iftekharuzzaman (ed.), Bangladesh and SAARC, Dhaka: Academic Publishers, 1992.

Kabir, M. G. and Hassan, Shaukat (ed.), Issues and Challenges Facing Bangladesh Foreign Policy, Dhaka: BSIS, 1989.

Levi, Warner, Fundamentals of World Organizations, Minneapolis, USA: The University of Minnesota Press, 1953.

Macridis, R. C., Foreign Policy in World Politics, London: Prentice Hall, 1992.

Maniruzzaman, Talukder, The Secrity of Small states in the Third World, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1982.

Michal P. Sullivan, International Relations: Theory’s and Evidence, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1976.

Stephen, S. Good Speed, The Nature and Function of International Organization, New York: Oxford University Press, 1967.

GP-506: Racism, Multi-Culturalism and Ethnic Politics

Learning Objectives
  • To provide student an overview with the principal concepts, questions and responses in the subfield of racism and ethnic politics
  • To introduce and make known to the major debates and discourses in the study of racism and ethnic politics
Learning Outcomes
  • To be well equipped to critically theorize and contextualize race and ethnicity
  • To enhance student’s writing, debating and presentation skills in
  • To be able to discuss recent socio-political developments in relation to Bangladesh ethnic groups
Course Content

The Concept of Race and Ethnicity, Development of Racial Theories in Europe and the United States.

Social Meaning and Political Significance of Racism and Ethnic Relations in Contemporary Politics.

Approaches to the Study of Race and Ethnicity.

Racial and Ethnic Stratification, Power and Pattern of Inequality, Ethnicity and Class in Plural Societies, Religious Communalism and Tribal Ethnicity.

Techniques of Dominance, Prejudice and Discrimination.

Racial and Ethnic Conflict and Cleavages, Inter Group and Intra Group Cleavages. Ethnic Problems and Constraints in National Integration.

Resolution of Racial and Ethnic Conflict-Multiculturalism and Other State Policies. Minority Reactions to Subordination and Discrimination.

Case Studies will be Drawn from Developed and Developing Countries.

(Field study is required for observation of ethnic communities)
Selected Readings

Ahmed, Ishtiaq, When Democracy Makes Sense-Politics of Ethnicity and the Rise of Separatist Movement in South Asia, Uppsala: AKUT 1996.

Ali, S. Masud, Fearful State, London: Zed Press, 1995

Barth, F., Ethnic groups and Boundaries-The Social Organization of Cultural Differences, Universitetsforlaget, 1969.

Berry, Brewton, Race and Ethnic Relations, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1978.

Despress, L. A., Ethnicity and Resource Competition in Plural Societies, Herndon, Virginia: Walter De Gruyter Inc, 1975.

Krishnan, P., Status and Identity in a Pluralistic Society, Delhi: BR Publishing Co., 1995.

Macarteny, C. A., National States and National Minorities, London: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Marger, Martin N., Race and Ethnic Relations, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1985.

Shelly, Mizanur Rahman (ed.), The Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, Dhaka: CDRB, 1992.

Solomos, John and Back, Les, Racisn and Society, England: Macmillan, 1996.

ব্রাউন, ডি. , আমারে কবর দিও হাটুভাঙার বাঁকে, ঢাকাঃ সংঘ প্রকাশন, ১৯৯৭ ।

GP-507: Democracy: Theory and Practices

Learning Objectives
  • To introduce students with different school of thoughts in the theories of democracy and democratic politics.
  • To have an overview on the basic principles, theories, conceptual tools, and comparative methods useful for understanding the challenges and prospects of democracy and democratization process.
Learning Outcomes
  • To gain confidence to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept of democracy and democratic politics.
  • To apply basic notion to explore the deterrents hindering the democratization process in the developing countries.
Course Content

Concept of Democracy: What is Democracy and What is Not, Historical and Spatial Evolution of Democracy with Plural Traditions

Classical, Pluralist, Elitist, Socialist, Participatory and Deliberative Model of Democracy

Modern Representative Democracy: Institutions; Electoral Systems.

Radical Democracy, Democracy and Post-colonialism.

Democratic Auditing and Index

Democracy theory: Democracy vs. Economic Development: Samuer M Lipset’s Projection and Present Analysis in Modern Light (Prezeworsky and others)

Wave of Democratization: S.P. Huntington

Democracy and Authoritarian Trends: Julian Linz, Thomas Way, and Larry Diamond

Democracy and Civic Engagement: Robert Putnam

Future of Democracy: Francis Fukuyama

Democracy and Development: Challenges of Democratic Governance in Developing Countries

Access to Justice and Human Rights

Devolution and Decentralization

Institutional Transparency and Accountability

Political Integration

Civil Society and Democratic Empowerment

Selected Readings

Arblaster, Anthony, Democracy, 2nd Edition, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1994.

Baltimore. John Hopkins University Press, 1996.

Barber, Benjamin R., Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age, L A,

Benhabib, Seyla edited, Democracy and Difference, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1996.

Dahl, Robert A., On Democracy, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1998.

Diamond, Larry et al. edited, Consolidating the Third Wave Democracies, Baltimore, Johns

Gutmann, Amy, Democratic Education, Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton University Press, 1987.

Held David. Models of Democracy, 2nd Edition, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1996.

Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Jalal Ayesha. Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia, Cambridge. Cambridge

Jayal, Niraja G., edited, Democracy in India. Delhi, Oxford University Press.

Kohli, Atul edited, India's Democracy, Delhi, Orient Longman. 1991.

Linz, Juan J., and Alfred Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation,

Macpherson, C. B., The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1977.

Schumpeter, Joseph, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, New York, Harper and Row, 1942.

University of California Press, 1984.

University Press, 1995.

Vanaik, Achin, The Painful Transition: India's Bourgeois Democracy, Delhi, Vistar, 1990.

Young, Iris Marion, Inclusion and Democracy, Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2000.

GP-508: Political Management in Bangladesh

Learning Objectives
  • To learn basic ideas and concepts , understand the complexities and challenges of political management in the context of Bangladesh
  • To give attention on issues ranging from ethical behavior to relations between political staff and public servants, political parties, parliament and cabinet
  • Pay attention on the practical human and administrative challenges of managing a political office as well as establishing priorities in the face of a constantly changing array of political and public pressures
Learning Outcomes
  • To apply ideas from past practice and research to future situations and make recommendations for action
  • To develop effective presentations and work in the capacity of political management of government
Course Content

Political Management: Meaning, Scope and Subject Matters Elements and Techniques of political management. Functions of Political Management; The Techniques of Political Management.

Management of Political Conflict: Crisis Management in the electoral, legislative and Issue Management Arenas; Factional Politics, Role of Civil Society, Regional and International Organizations.

Relationships Between Politics and Bureaucracy: Central, Regional and Grassroots Levels; Government - Interest Group Relations: FBCCI, DCCI, BGMEA, SKOP, BMA, and Other Interest Groups.

Management of Electoral Politics: Role of the Election Commission, Political Parties, Caretaker Government; Selection of EC.

Election and Campaign Finance Law: Election Law and Campaign, Fundraising in Elections, Elections in Bangladesh, Change and Factors in Election campaigns - Recent Trends, and Electoral Corruption.

Contemporary Communications Media: Role of Media in democracy; Influences of Media in Elections and Campaign of Political Parties; RTI.

Evolving Social and Political Changes within Society.

Selected Readings

Ahmar, Moonir (ed.), Paradigms of Conflict Resolution in South Asia, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 2003.

Ahmed, Salauddin, Bangladesh: Past and Present, New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation, 2004.

Akhter, Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral Corruption in Bangladesh, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2001.

Blakeney and Boris, Political Management in Canada, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

Good, The Politics of Public Management, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

Hasanuzzaman, Al Masud and Alam Shamsul, (eds.), Political Management in Bangladesh, Dhaka: AH. Development Publishers House, 2010.

Kabir, A. Sabur Humayun, Conflict Management and Sub-Regional Cooperation in Asian Relevance for SAARC, Dhaka: APPL, 2010.

Kabir, Humayun, Civil Society and Democracy in Bangladesh. Dhaka: APPL, 2010.

Maniruzzaman, Talukdar, Group Interests and Political Changes: Studies of Pakistan and Bangladesh, New Delhi: South Asia Books, 1982.

Mannan, Md. Abdul, Elections and Democracy in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Academic Press, 2005.

Michael E. Kraft and Scott R. Furlong, Public Policy: Politics, Analysis and Alternatives, Washington, D.C.:CQ Press, 2009.

Mnookin, Robert, Bargaining with the Davil, New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010.

Moore, Mark H., Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.

Nazneen, Zinnat Ara, Popular Participation in Local Administration, Sydney: Cummings Publishing Company, 1977.

NDI, Making Every Vote Count: Domestic Election Monitory in Asia, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 1996.

Norris, Pippa, Driving Democracy, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Electoral Engineering, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Powell, G. Bigham Jr., Contemporary Democracies, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008.

Rashid, Harun ur, An Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies, Dhaka: University Press, 2005.

The CCHRB Election Observation Report: The Eighth Parliamentary Election-2001.

আখতার, মুহাম্মদ ইয়াহইয়া, দুর্নীতির স্বরূপ অন্বেষণঃ বাংলাদেশ, ঢাকাঃ নিবেদন পাবলিকেশন্স, ১৯৯০ ।

আখতার, মুহাম্মদ ইয়াহইয়া, অভিনব সরকার ব্যতিক্রমি নির্বাচন, ঢাকাঃ এ এইচ ডেভেলপমেন্ট পাবলিশিং হাউস, ২০০৯ ।

GP-509: Party Politics in Bangladesh

Learning Objectives
  • To have a basic understanding of the important classic works on party and party systems, as well as a strong grasp of recent theoretical and empirical advances and debates in the study of party.
  • To provide students with a panoramic view of received social scientific theorizing about political parties and party systems.
  • To address some fundamental questions like why do parties form? When, how, and for who might parties 'matter'? And, how are parties related to the workings of democracy?
Learning Outcomes
  • Develop a good working knowledge of party system from developing political system in general and Bangladesh in particular.
Course Content

Political Party: Theories-Maurice Duverger, Roberto Mitchels, La Palomabara, V.I. Lenin.

Party System: Multi-Party system, Dual-Party System, Single Party System.

Political Party: Interest Group, Civil Society, and Civil Group Inter-linkages

Party in Legislature: Formal role, Legislative Compromise

Partisan Politics

Political Parties in Bangladesh: Historical development, Leadership, Social Bases, Structure, Ideology-Programme, Factionalism and Conflict Resolution, PRO, Registration of Political Parties with the Election Commission, Political Party Finance, Candidate Selection Process, Electoral Behavior, Party-Government Relationship, Party in Opposition, Politics of Alliances and Inter-Party Relationship.

Selected Readings

Alen, Ball R., Modern Politics and Government, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 1977.

Barber, James D., The Presidential Character, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992.

Bayes, Abdul and Muhammad, Anu, Bangladesh at 25 An Analytical Discourse on Development, Dhaka: UPL, 1998.

Duverger, M., Political Parties, New York: Taylor & Francis, 1963.

Ghosh, Shyamoli, The Awami League 1949-71, Dhaka: Academic Publishers, 1990.

Hasanuzzaman, Al Masud, (ed.), Bangladesh: Crisis of Political Development, Government & Politics Department, Dhaka: Academic Publisher, 1988.

Hasanuzzaman, Al Masud, Role of Opposition in Bangladesh Politics, Dhaka: University Press Ltd., 1998.

Hossain, Golam, General Ziaur Rahman and the BNP, Dhaka: UPL, 1988.

Jahan, Rounaq, Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issues, Dhaka: UPL, 1980.

Kabir, M. Gulam, Changing Face of Nationalism the Case of Bangladesh, Dhaka: UPL, 1994.

Khan, M. Salimullah (ed.), Politics and Stability in Bangladesh, Government & Politics Department, Dhaka: Academic Publisher, 1985.

Newman, Sigmund, ed., Modern Political Parties, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1956.

Norris, Pippa, Electoral Engineering, Cambridge: CUP, 2004.

Palombara, La (ed.), Politics Within Nations, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1974.

Parvin, Nilofar, Public Intellectuals and Partisanship in Bangladesh, Academic Press and Publishers Library, Dhaka: 2012.

Schumpeter, J. C., Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, New York: Harper Perennial, 1962.

The Jahangirnagar Review, Part C Vol. VI, 1992.

হোসেন, গোলাম, বাংলাদেশঃ সরকার ও রাজনীতি, সরকার ও রাজনীতি বিভাগ, ঢাকাঃ একাডেমিক পাবলিশার্স ১৯৯২ ।

রেহমান, তারেক শামসুর, বাংলাদেশের রাজনীতির ২৫ বছর, ঢাকাঃ মাওলা ব্রাদার্স ১৯৯৮ ।

GP-510: Planning and Project Management

Learning Objectives
  • To learn fundamentals of project planning and management.
  • To explore students to the skills and knowledge of running successful projects, giving them a competitive edge within the marketplace.
  • To cover the inner and outer workings of project logistics, management, constraints, risks and execution necessary to deliver projects within the desired scope.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to successfully plan, run and manage various types of projects.
Course Content

Understanding Planning and Project Management: Understanding ‘Planning’, ‘Project’ and ‘Project Management’ by Acquainting the Key Concepts (Planning, Projects, Project Phases, Life Cycles, Monitoring and Evaluation), Approaches to the Analyses and Dynamics of Project Management, Constraints of Project Management

Planning and Project Designing Process: Typical Steps in Selecting Projects to Meet Organizational Objectives, Developing Project Charter and Management Plan, Budgeting and Cost Estimation, Preparing a Project Proposal

Project Control: Purposes of Project Control, Designing the Controlling System, Project Management Information System, Tools and Techniques of Controlling a Project

Project Monitoring and Evaluation: Project Evaluation Criteria, Measuring the Project’s Performance Against a Planned Budget and Schedule, Project Auditing and Project Termination

Selected Tools of Project Management: Logical Framework, Environmental Impact, Assessment/Social Impact Assessment, SWOT Analysis

Planning and Project Management in Bangladesh: Key Processes, Procedures and Institutions of Project Planning in Bangladesh, Critical Factors Affecting Project Planning and Management in Bangladesh.

Selected Readings

Biggs, S and Smith, S, ‘A Paradox of Learning Cycle Management and The Role of Organizational Culture’, World Development, 31(10): 1743-1757, 2003.

Booth W., Ebrahim R. and Morin R. Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting, Pact, South Africa, 1998.

Casley D.J. and Lury D.A. Monitoring and Evaluation of Agriculture and Rural Development Projects, The JohnsHopkins University Press for the World Bank, Baltimore and London, 1982.

Chada S. Managing Projects in Bangladesh, University Press Limited, Dhaka, 1989.

Choudhury S. Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1993.

Curry S. and Weiss J. Project Analysis in Developing Countries, Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 2000.

EC, Project Cycle Management Handbook, European Commission, Europe Aid Cooperation Office, 2002.

Frigenti, Enzo et.el. The Practice of Project Management. London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 2007.

Gilbert, G.P, ‘The Project Environment’, Project Management, 1(2): 83-87, 1983.

Gittinger J.P. Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects, The Johns Hopkins University Press for the World Bank, Baltimore and London, 1977.

Gosling L. and Edwards M. Toolkits: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Monitoring, Review and Evaluation, Save the Children, London, 1995.

ILO n.d. Project Preparation Implementation Monitoring, Evaluation: User’s Hand Book, International Labour Organization, Dhaka.

Khan N.A. ‘Logical Framework as a Tool for Participatory Development Planning: Revisiting the Debate’, Chittagong University Studies, Vol. xvii & xviii, No.1, pp.117-127, 1997.

Lycett, Mark et.el. ‘Program Management: A Critical Review’ International Journal of Project Management, 22 : 289-299, 2004.

Majid M.A. Prakalpa Byabasthapona (in Bengali), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, 1995.

Meredith, J.R. and Mantel, S, Project Management: A Managerial Approach. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2003.

Picciotto, R and Weaving, R, ‘A New Project Cycle for the World Bank?’ Finance and Development, 31(4): 42-44, 1994.

Squire L. and Tak H.G. Economic Analysis of Projects, The Johns Hopkins University Press for the World Bank, Baltimore and London, 1975.

Team Technologies Inc. n.d. Teams and Project Design: Team UP Workbook, Team Technologies Inc.

Young T. The Project Management Manual, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 2003.

GP-511: Peasant Politics

Learning Objectives
  • To inform students about the underlying concepts of peasant politics and historical development.
  • To learn about the influence of peasant politics in the context of socio-economic perspective of 3rd world countries.
Learning Outcomes
  • To put into words the reasoning of peasant politics in academic sphere.
  • To be able to recognize the essential factors influencing the peasant politics in 3rd world countries.
Course Content

Definition of Peasantry: Peasantry as Class.

Relations of Peasants with other Social Groups.

Peasant Political Orientation and Participation-Agitation, Movement and Revolt.

Politics of Peasantry: Economic Differentiation and Politics, Peasantry and Electoral Politics, Peasant Organization and Politics, Peasant Politics in the Indian Subcontinent.

Peasant Movement in undivided Bengal and Bangladesh.

Selected Readings

Ashish Nandy, The Intimate Enemy: Loss and Recovery of Self Under Colonialism, Delhi: Oxford UP, 1988.

Chakrabarty, S. R., Peasant Movement in the Sub-continent, Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2001

John H. Kautsky, The Political Consequences of Modernization, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1972.

Markovitz, Irving. L., Power and Class in Africa: An Introduction to Change and Conflict in African Politics, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, 1977.

Ranajit Guha, Peasant Insurgency in British India, London: Duke University Press Books, 1999.

Rosemary. E. Galli (ed.), The Political Economy of Rural Development: Peasants, International Capital and the State, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1981.

512: Religion and Politics

Learning Objectives
  • To give students generic impression on the meaning of and interactions between religion and politics from a comparative perspective.
  • To know the contemporary issues in religion and politics which affect the life in domestic and international arena.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be capable of applying skill in undertaking thorough analysis of issues and challenges to the study of religion in politics.
Course Content

Religion: Religion as a Faith and Religion as an Ideology; Relationship Between with Politics. Church vs state. Reformation Separation of Religion from State and Politics.

Secularism: Soft Secularism (USA, India, Bangladesh), Hard Secularism (Turkey, France). Meaning and Types of Secular States. Role of Church in Secular States Europe and America. Religious Revivalism Religious Nationalism and Populism. Political Role of Buddhist Monks. Rise of Religious Political Parities. Role of Religious Political Parities in Electoral Politics.

Post-secularism: Rise of Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalism Religious Conflict and Terrorism.

Religion and Modernity.

Selected Readings

Ali Riaz, God Willing and the politics of Islamism in Bangladesh, Rowman & Littlefield, 2004

Eric O. Hanson, Religion and Politics in the International System Today, Cambridge University Press, 2006

John L Esposito, Islam and Politics, Syracuse University Press, 1991

Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism (translated by Talcot Parsons), Unwin University Books, London, 1965

Nandini Chattergee, The Making of Indian Secularism: Empire, Law and Christianity, 1830-1960, Palgrave, 2011

Nathan J. Brown & Amr Hamzawy, Between Religion and Politics, Carnegie Endowment, Aug 1, 2010

GP-513: Human Rights and Social Justice

Learning Objectives
  • To know basic understanding of the human rights discourse and social justice
  • To cover conventional and modern human rights institutions and how these work for state and non-state actors
  • To explore the political, historical and philosophical development of ideas about human rights which underpin the current issues in political system and governance
Learning Outcomes
  • To explain the key purposes and features of the international human rights system
  • To demonstrate why these bodies of law exist, how they interact, what each term means and how they are applied
  • To identify ways in which human rights learning can increase the effectiveness of their human rights work
Course Content

Human Rights: Meaning, Nature and Scope, Rights and Responsibilities, Rights and Resources, Rights and Human Development.

Traditional Concepts of Social Rights and Responsibilities: Religious Sanctions, Social Values, and Moral Duties.

New Human Rights Since the Mid 20th Century, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Rights as Western and Eastern Concepts, Human Rights and the UN system.

Social Justice: Equality, Discrimination, Identities, Social justice and Human Rights Interplay

Human Rights in Bangladesh: Economic, Political and Social Rights, Rights of Women, Rights of Children and Minority Rights, Violations and Legal Activism, Legal Aid as a Right, Gender and Rights-Based Development Since Independence.

Human Rights and Judicial System Bangladesh: Informal (Shalish etc.) Justice ADR or Alternative Disputes Resolution and effectiveness, Formal Justice System, Constitutional and Judicial Supremacy, Problems and Prospects of Judicial Independence, Rule of Law and Problems of its Application.

Selected Readings

Angle, Steven C., Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry, New

Christian Lund, Development and Rights, London: Frank Cass Publishers, 1999.

Haider, S. M., Judicial Review of Administrative Action in Pakistan, Lahore: All Pakistan Legal Decisions, 1967.

Halim, M. A., Constitution, Constitutional Law and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka: Rico Printers, 1998.

Halim, M. A., Constitution, Constitutional Law and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka: Rico Printers, 1998.

Hallowell, John H., Moral Foundations of Democracy, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund Inc, 2007.

John H. Hallowell, Moral Foundations of Democracy, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund Inc, 2007.

Lund, Christian, Development and Rights, London:Frank Cass Publishers, 1999.

Mallick, Ross, Development, Ethnicity and Human Rights in South Asia, New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2000.

Mohanty, Manoranjan and Mukherji, Partha Nath, People’s Rights, New Delhi: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd, 1998.

Mohanty, Manoranjan, and Partha Nath Mukherji, People’s Rights, New Delhi: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd, 1998.

GP-514: Military and Politics

Learning Objectives
  • To address the theories of civil-military relations and look at the most influential and classical texts.
  • To have a broad understanding of civil-military relations in general and the Bangladesh military’s role in politics in particular.
  • To study past and current controversies, and develop awareness of issues that remain unsettled, such as the civil-military gap and civil-military challenges in 21st Century.
Learning Outcomes
  • To examine the variety of ways that the civil-military relationship can vary – how political leaders, societies, and military organizations interact, and how their cultures overlap and diverge.
  • To be able to discuss with fluency the cultural, political and sociological arguments on the relationships between the armed forces and society.
Course Content

Military in Politics: A theoretical perspective

Theory of Civil-Military Relations

Political Role of the Military in Developing Countries

Legitimacy Crisis and Process of Civilianization of the military rulers, praetorianism.

Consequences of Military Rule: Development or Decay

Military in Bangladesh Politics.

Military Withdrawal after the Cold War/ Democratization in the 1990s.

Different Strategies of Military Withdrawal from Politics.

Military Withdrawal from Politics: a Myth or Reality

Milibus (Military and Business)

Military Build-up and National Security; Concept of National Security, Elements in National Security, Strategies for Security Maintenance – Global Change, New World Order, New Security Concept, Regional Context, Relevance for Bangladesh.

Selected Readings

Ahmed, Moudud, Democracy and the Challenge of Development: A Study of Politics and Military Interventions in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Ltd., 1995.

Dhaka: University Press Ltd. 1995.

Finer, S. E., The Man on Horseback: The Role of the Military in Politics, London: Pall Mall Press, 1962.

Hossain, Golam, Civil-Military Relations in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Academic Publishers, 1991.

Janowitz, Morris, Military Institutions and Coercion in the Developing Nations, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977.

Johnson, John J., (ed.), The Role of the Military in Underdeveloped Countries, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962.

Khan, Zillur Rahman, Martial Law to Martial Law: The Leadership Crisis in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Ltd., 1984.

Maniruzzaman, Talukder, Military Withdrawal from Politics: A Comparative Study, Cambridge: Ballinger Publishers, 1987.

Nordlinger, Eric A., Soldiers in Politics: Military coups and Governments, New Jersey: Prentic Hall, 1977.

Samuel P. Huntington, The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957.

Welch, C. E., (ed.), Civilian Control of the Military: Theory and Cases from Developing Countries, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1976.

Democracy and Challenge of Development: A Study of Politics and Military Interventions in Bangladesh.

GP-515: E-governance

Learning Objectives
  • To introduce the concepts of E-Governance, analyze related policies and explain data warehousing and data dining.
  • To provide knowledge of good governance and overview of E-governance using Information and Communication Technologies.
  • To explain ICT initiatives in Bangladesh and other countries through case studies.
Learning Outcomes
  • To explore key policies of ensuring accountability and transparency through ICT.
  • To understand the rapidly changing role of ICT in governance.
  • To evaluate critically E-governance practices in Bangladesh.
  • To identify some of the limitations and dangers involved in the use of ICT for governance.
Course Content

Meaning, Components and Categories of E-Governance, Stages of E-Governance and Present Global Trends, Role of ICT in Good Governance, ICT Development, Potential Impacts and Challenges– Concept of Public – Private Partnership, Technological Framework.

Models of E-governance: Broadcasting/ Wider Dissemination Model, Critical Flow Model, Comparative Analysis Model, Mobilization and Lobbying Model, Interactive-service Model; Towards Good Governance through E-Governance Models.

Digital Divide: Meaning, Variation , Causes, Effects of the Digital Divide on E-Governance, Current Status of Digital Divide Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Africa – Ways of Bridging Digital Divide, Case Studies: Global context-CIC Model, Bangladesh Context- UDC Model.

Infrastructure and Strategies: Evolutionary Stages of E-Governance, E-readiness: ICT Infrastructure and Public Access; Legal Infrastructural Preparedness (ICT Policy, Cyber Law, Law Related to E-commerce); Institutional Infrastructural Preparedness; Human Capacity.

Civic Engagement: Bureaucratic Decision Making in E-Government, Public Administration Presence on the Web; Administrative Transparency and Accountability Through E-Governance, Use of Social Media for Emergency Response and Citizen Engagement, Knowledge Sharing and Innovation, Public Participation and Ethical Issues.

E-Service: What is E-service? Strategies and Practices of E-Service Delivery by Different Sectors – Access to Information.

Case Studies of Best Practices

Global Context: E-Khazana, E-Panchyat (India), E-Motor Revenue License Project (Sri Lanka) Online Tender System (Nepal), Online E-Procurement System (Republic of Korea), E-Transformation Journey of Singapore.

Bangladesh Context: E-service Portal, E-Procurement, E-purji, E-ticketing, Computer Aided Voter Registration, Birth Registration, Passport Processing, Vehicle Registration, Judicial Transparency Through ICT, ICT use in Police, ICT for Land Management.

E-democracy: Meaning, Nature and Importance, Using ICT for Political Communication and Participation, Protest and Movement Through Social Media, E-Voting, Problems of E-democracy.

Challenges of E-Governance: Cyber Security Surveillance – Cyber Crises – Socio – Economic Issues – Capacity Building – Socio – Political Implications – Issues of Integration, Networking with NGOs, CBOs – Government Resource Planning and Process Re-Engineering, Minimizing Digital Gap.

Selected Readings

Agarwal, Ashok, (ed), E-Governance Case Studies, Computer Society of India, India: University Press.

Basu, Subhajit, “E-Government and Developing Countries: An Overview”, International Review of Law Computers & Technology, Volume 18, No. 1, pp. 109–132, March 2004

Calista, Donald, And James Melitski, “E-government and E-governance: Converging Constructs of Public Sector Information and Communications Technologies”, Public Administration Quarterly, Vol. 31(1), 2007.

Garson, David, Public Information Technology and E-Governance: Meaning the Virtual State, Jones and Barlett learning, 2006.

Karim, Habibullah N., Quamrul Mina & Golam Samdani, Going Digital, Dhaka: the University Press Ltd, 2011.

Mayer, Victor and Lazer, David (ed.), Governance and Information Technology: From Electronic Government to Information Government, MIT, USA, 2007.

Michael, Backus, E-Governance in Developing Countries, IICD Research, No 1, 2001

Ndou, Valentina, “E-Government for Developing Countries: Opportunities And Challenges”, Ejisdc, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2004.

Norris, P., Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty, and the Internet Worldwide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Obi, Toshio (ed), E-Governance: A Global Perspective on a New Paradigm, IOS Press, 2007

Prabhu CSR, E-Governance: Concepts and Case studies, Practice Hall, India, 2011

Subhash C. Bhatnagar, E-Government: From Vision to Implementation – A Practical Guide with Case studies, Sage, 2004.

Tang and Bergrud (eds) Civic Engagement in a Networked Society, Charlotte NC, Information Age Publishing, 2008.

Yong, James SL (eds.), E-Government in Asia: enabling public service innovation in the 21st century. Times Edition, 2003.

GP-516: Corruption: Socio-economic and Political Dimensions

Learning Objectives
  • To develop knowledge and attitudes for identifying the core problems of corruption in multidimensional perspectives. Increase theoretical understanding to measure corruption acquaintances in related institutions and processes.
Learning Outcomes
  • To design anti corruption strategies and paths that strengthens the systems for good governance, transparency and accountability.
Course Content

Introduction to the Course: Basic Concepts and Major Issues of Corruption: Wrongdoing, Corruption, Political corruption, Ethics, Integrity; Corruption Perception and Historical Evolution, the Roots of Corruption and its Variants in Different Cultures; Socio-economic and Political Causes and Patterns of Corruptions; Measurements of Corruptions and Problems of TIB Approach, Corruptions and Anti-Corruption Measures, Corruptions and Institutional Approach.

Corruption in Developing Countries: Personal Rule and Kleptocracy, Crony-capitalism, Rent-seeking and Booty Capitalism, Rentier State and “Natural Resources Curse”, Corruption, Market & Growth Debate

Democracy, Democratization and Corruption: Political Scandals and Electoral Politics, Public Contracts and Rent-Seeking, Influence Peddling

Distinctive Values and Promotion Ethical Behavior in the Public Sector; Public-Sector Activities and Special Ethical Requirement; Codes of Ethics vs Codes of Conduct; Specialist Agencies (e.g. ACC) and Prevention of Corruption and Promoting Integrity; Protecting Whistleblowers and Handling Whistleblower Reports.

The Role of NGOs, the Media and Civil Society in fighting corruption; Anti-Corruption Treaties and Other International Measures; Effectiveness of Public Sector ‘Integrity Systems’; Relationship Between Public Sector Ethics and Public Sector Corruption.

Selected Readings

Achwan, Rochman and Meuhia Ganie-Rochman, ‘Civic Organisations and Governance Reform in Indonesian Cities’, Asian Journal of Political Science, 37, pp. 799-820, 2009.

Alain, M. and Grégoire, M., ‘Can ethics survive the shock of the job? Quebec’s police recruits confront reality.’ Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 18(2), pp. 169–189, 2008.

Anechiarico, Frank, ‘Protecting Integrity at the Local Level: The Role of Anticorruption and Public Management Networks’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 53, pp. 79-95, 2010.

Cooper, Jonathan A., ‘Noble Cause Corruption as a Consequence of Role Conflict in the Police Organisation.’ Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 22(2), pp. 169-184, 2012.

Erkkila, Tero and Piironen, Ossi, ‘Politics and Numbers: The Iron Cage of Governance Indices’, in Raymond W. Cox III (ed.), Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, New York, M.E. Sharpe, 2009.

Hulten, Michel Van, ‘Perception as a Cause of Corruption: The Cameroon Case’. Inaugural lecture at Saxion Academy of Government and Law, 2008.

Jackson, Michael and Smith, Rodney (1996), ‘Inside Moves and Outside Views: An Australian Case Study of Elite and Public Perceptions of Political Corruption’, Governance, 9(1), January, pp. 23-42.

Johnston, Michael, Syndromes of Corruption, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, Chapter 3.

Joutsen, Matti and Graycar, Adam, ‘When Experts and Diplomats Agree: Negotiating Peer Review of the UN Convention Against Corruption’, Global Governance, 18, p.p. 425-439, 2012.

Lambsdorff, Johann Graf, ‘Causes and Consequences of Corruption: What Do We Know from a Cross-Section of Countries?’, in S. Rose-Ackerman (ed.), International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2006.

Lawton, Alan, Ethical Management for the Public Services, Buckingham, Open University Press, 1998, Chapter 3.

Leys, Colin, ‘What’s the Problem about Corruption?’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 3:2, 1965, pp. 215-230.

Martin, Brian and Rivkin, Will ‘The Dynamics of Employee Dissent: Whistleblowers and Organizational Jiu-Jitsu’, Public Organization Review, 4, pp. 221-238, 2004.

Pope, Jeremy, ‘National Integrity Systems: The Key to Building Sustainable, Just and Honest Government’, in B. Head, AJ Brown and C. Connors (eds), Promoting Integrity, Farnham, Ashgate, 2008.

Porta, Donnatella Della and Vannucci, Alberto, The Hidden Order of Corruption, Farnham, Ashgate, Chapter 2, 2012.

Rainey Hal G., and Chun, Young Han, ‘Public and Private Management Compared’, in E. Ferlie, L. Lynn Jr and C. Pollitt (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005.

Sampford, Charles, Rodney Smith and AJ Brown, ‘From Greek Temple to Bird’s Nest: Towards a Theory of Coherence and Mutual Accountability for National Integrity Systems’, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 64:2, pp. 96-108, 2005.

Smith, Rodney, ‘The Role of Whistle-Blowing in Governing Well: Evidence from the Australian Public Sector’, American Review of Public Administration, 40:6, pp. 704-721, 2010.

Smith, Rodney, Domestic Responses to International Anti-Corruption Treaties: A Comparative Analysis of Australia, Canada and the United States. The Oceanic Conference on International Studies (OCIS V), Sydney, University of Sydney, 2012.

Speville, Bertrand De, ‘Anticorruption Commissions: The “Hong Kong Model” Revisited’, Asia-Pacific Review, 17:1, pp. 47-71, 2010.

Thompson, John B., Political Scandal: Power and Visibility in the Media Age, Cambridge, Polity, Chapter 3, 2000.

Transparency International, Corruption Perception Index 2012-2017 (extract).

Treisman, Daniel, ‘What Have We Learnt about the Causes of Corruption from Ten Years of Empirical Research?’, Annual Review of Political Science, 10, 2007, pp. 211-244.

Webb, Martin, ‘Activating Citizens, Remaking Brokerage: Transparency Activism, Ethical Scenes and the Urban Poor in Delhi’, Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 35:2, pp. 206-222, 2012.

Westmarland, Louise, ‘Police ethics and integrity: Breaking the blue code of silence.’ Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 15(2), pp. 145–165, 2006.

Whistleblowers ' Protection Act-2011.

Yeh, Stuart S., ‘Ending Corruption in Africa through United Nations Inspections’, International Affairs, 87:3, pp. 629-650, 2011.

GP-517: Feminism in Political Discourse

Learning Objectives
  • To give students better understanding about the underlying concepts and approaches to the study of feminism.
  • To assist students to know how to figure out connection between feminism and politics.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to demonstrate, in both oral and written forms, understanding and knowledge about the essence of feminism to the study of politics.
  • To know how to connect development within the preview of feminism.
Course Content

Feminism: Theories-Experiences-Movements against Oppression of Women, Social Construction of Feminism, Crisis in Feminism, Men in Feminism, Post-Feminism.

Some Basic Concepts – Gender Discrimination, Gender Stereotyping, Gender Inequality, Gender Equity, Gender Awareness, Gender Balance, Gender Sensitivity, Gender Mainstreaming.

Feminist Theoretical Approaches: Liberal, Radical, Marxist and Socialist, Psychoanalytic, Existential, Post modernism, Development. Feminism, Black Feminism, African Feminism, Eco Feminism, Third World Feminism, Islamic Feminism.

Gendered Nature in Political Thought: The ‘Man’ of Reason-The Masculinisation of Thought.

Feminist Interpretation and Political Theory: Greek Tradition of Mysogyny- Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, John Stuart Mill, Marx, Engels, Foucault, Hobermas.

Feminism as an Alternative Discourse: Feminism and Religious Fundamentalism, Women and Colonialism, Post- colonial discourse, Modernization and Gendered Modernities, How Neo-liberalism appropriated feminist movement, Women and Democracy, Women and Development, Women and Environment.

Selected Feminist Thinkers: Mary Wollstonecraft – Vindication of the Rights of Women Betty Frieden – The Feminist Mystique, Deniz Kandiyoti- Bargaining with Patriarchy, Simone de Beauvoir-The Second Sex

Feminist Methods in Social Research: Ethnography, Experimental Research, Cross-Cultural Research, Oral History, Content Analysis, Case Studies, Action Research, Creation Of New Methods

Selected Readings

Ashfar, Haleh, Women and Politics in the Third World, New York: Routledge, 1996.

Bethke, Ebshtain Jera, Public Man Private Woman, Martin Peterson: Oxford, 1981.

Genevieve Lloyd, The Man of Reason. Male and Female in Western Philosophy, London: Methuen & Co, 1984.

Lorber, Judith, Gender Inequality: Feminist Theories and Politics, California: Boxbury Publishing Company, 1998.

Moghissi, Haideh, Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism, London: Zed Books, 1999.

Okin, Susan Moller, Women in Western Political Thought, London: Virago Ltd, 1980.

Peteman, Carloe, The Disorder of Women: Democracy Feminism and Political Theory, Dhaka: Stamford University Press, 1987.

Randall, Vicky, Women and Politics: An International Perspective, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1987.

Reinhartz, Shulamit, Feminist Methods in Social Research, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Shanley, Mary Lyndon and Pateman, Carole (eds), Feminist Interpretations and Political Theory, U.S.A: The Pennsylvania University Press, 1977.

Stakes, Wendy, Women in Contemporary Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge Polity Press, 2005.

Whelehan, Imelda, Modern Feminist Thought, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1995.

GP-518: Political Anthropology

Learning Objectives
  • To Impart conceptual clarity of political anthropology as an independent discipline.
  • To help students broaden their knowledge about anthropological approach to politics of development and socio-cultural factors in progress.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to define social structure, kinship, racism, secularism, ethnicity, art of conflict and resolution.
  • To elucidate political culture and political crisis in the light of anthropological approaches.
Course Content

Political Anthropology, Scope And Significance, Approaches to the Study of Political Anthropology.

Anthropological Theories of the Origin of the State, a Cephalous Societies, Primitive and Pre-Industrial States.

Basis of state power – advanced capitalist states, peripheral capitalist societies, pattern of Class Formation and Class Alignments.

Encapsulation Process and Power Structure – Linkages Between Local, National and International Politics.

Social Structure and Power, Forms of Social Stratification, Sacred Basis of Power Ritual and Socio-Political System.

Kinship and Social Structure, Organization of Kin Groups, Economic – Political Relations.

Peasantry and the State, Peasant Economy, Organization, World View and Ideology.

Conflict Resolution at Local Level and Decision by Consensus, Factions and Class Conflict, Horizontal and Vertical Alignments. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Anthropological Approach to Politics of Development, Socio-Cultural Factors in Development, Differential Response To Development.

(Field study is required for observation of social issues)

Selected Readings

A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, Structure and Function in Primitive Society, London: Cohen, 1952.

Andre Betille, Studies in Agrarian Social Structure, London: Oxford University Press, 1974.

B. K. Jahangir, Differentiation, Polarisation and Confrontation in Rural Bangladesh, Centre for Social Studies, 1979.

David Nugent, Joan Vincent, Political Anthropology, Boston: Wiley-Blackwell, 2004.

Georges Balandier, Political Anthropology, UK: Penguin Books Ltd., 1972.

Hamza Alavi, æThe State in Post-Colonial Societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh” in K. Gough and H. K. Sharma, eds., Imperialism and Revolution in South Asia, Monthly Review Press, 1973.

John Gledhill, Power and Its Disguises: Anthropological Perspectives on Politics, London: Pluto Press, 1994.

Kristen Westgarred, “TheState: A Review of Some Theoretical Issues”, Journal of Social Studies, No. 13, 1978.

Lewellen T. C., Political Anthropology: An Introduction, USA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers Inc. 1983.

Michael Banton, Political System and Distribution of Power, USA: Tavistock Publications, 1975.

Morton Fricd, H. The Evolution of Political Society, New York: Random House, 1967.

Ronald Cohen and Elman R. Service, eds., Origin of the State, Institute of Human Issues, 1978.

Ronald Cohen and Elmon R. Service, Origins of the State: The Anthropology of Political Evolution, Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1978.

Santi Rozario, Purity and Communal Boundaries, Women and Social Change in a Bangladesh Village, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1992.

Ted C. Lewellen, Political Anthropology: An introduction, South Hadley: MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1983.

এরিক, জে. জানসেন, গ্রামীণ বাংলাদেশে সীমিত সম্পদের প্রতিযোগিতা, অনুবাদঃ ডালেম চন্দ্র বর্মণ, ঢাকাঃ সমাজ নিরীক্ষণ কেন্দ্র, ১৯৯০ ।

ভেলাম ভান সেন্দেল, গ্রামীণ বাংলাদেশে কৃষক গতিশীলতা (অনুবাদঃ ডালেম চন্দ্র বর্মণ), সমাজ নিরীক্ষণ কেন্দ্র, কলাভবন, ঢাকাঃ ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, ১৯৯৪ ।

ফ্রেডারিক এঙ্গেলস, পরিবার, ব্যক্তিগত সম্পত্তি ও রাষ্ট্রের উৎপত্তি, ঢাকাঃ প্রগতি প্রকাশন, ১৯৭৭ ।