Undergraduate Program (BSS)

Bachelor of Social Science (Honors) – Part I

(Sessions: 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022)
Course Outline

GP-101: Western Political Thought: Ancient and Mediaeval

Learning Objectives
  • To give students a brief idea of the history of ancient and mediaeval political thought and great texts
  • To develop understanding of the underlying concepts and theories of western political thought
  • To understand different views of political thinkers relating to human nature and the design of state and government
Learning Outcomes
  • To demonstrate, in both oral and written forms, knowledge and understanding of political thought in the context of ancient and mediaeval era
  • To apply theories of ancient and mediaeval political thinkers for conceiving nexus with the particular situations
Course Content

Ancient: Development of Political Thought: Greek City States and Greek Philosophy─ Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Four Schools of Thought: Sophists, Stoicism, Epicureanism, Cynicism. Roman Thought-Polybius, Cicero, Seneca

Mediaeval: Features, Feudalism, General Features of Kingship, Church vs State; St. Augustine, Dante, and St. Thomas Aquinas. Marsilio of Padua, Councilar Movement

Selected Readings

Andrew Hacker, Political Theory: Philosophy, Ideology, Science, Cornell University, The Macmillan Company, 1961.

Aristotle, The Politics, Bangla Translation by Sardar Fazlul Karim, Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1998.

Christopher Morris, Western Political Thought: Plato to Augustine, London: Longmans, 1967.

Ebenstein, William, Great Political Thinkers, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1977.

Ernest Barker, Greek Political Theory, New York: Barnes Noble Inc., 1960.

Ernest Barker, Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, New York: Raussel, 1959.

George H. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing, 1973.

Gregory Claeys (ed.), Encyclopedia of Nineteenth Century Thought, London and New York: Routledge, 2005.

J. C. Johari, Political Thought: Ancient and Mediaeval, New Delhi: Metropolitan Book Co., 1985.

J. P. Suda, A History of Political Thought, Meerut: K. Noth Co., 1972.

John H. Hallowell, Main Currents in Modern Political Thought, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1957.

John T. Ishiyama and Marijke Breuning (eds.), 21st Century Political Science: Reference Handbook, California: SAGE Publications, 2011.

Mulford Q. Sibley, Political Ideas and Thought, New York: Harper & Row, 1970.

Nickolas Papas, Plato and the Republic, London: Routledge, 1995.

Plato, TheRepublic, Bangla Translation by Sardar Fazlul Karim, Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1993.

Rymond G. Gettell, History of Political Thought, London: Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1964.

আব্দুল লতিফ মাসুম, পাশ্চাত্যের রাষ্ট্র দর্শনঃ প্রাচীন যুগ, ঢাকাঃ বাংলা একাডেমি, ১৯৯৯ ।

GP-102: Political Institutions and Processes

Learning Objectives
  • To develop an mindfulness of the basic concepts of political science
  • To give students conceptual clarity on different forms of government and organ of the state
Learning Outcomes
  • To express, in both oral and written forms, understanding of the basic concepts of political science
  • To identify various forms of government and organ of the state
Course Content

Defining Political Institutions: State, Society, Nationalism, Sovereignty, Liberty, Right, Citizenship, Law, Power and Authority, Opinion Process and Participation.

Meaning and Classification of Constitutions.

Classification and Forms of Government: Democratic and Dictatorial-Totalitarian-Cabinet, Presidential and Collegiate, Unitary, Federalism-Problems and New Trends.

Organs of Government, Executive, Legislature and Judiciary; Separation of Power-Variety and Practice, Representation and Electorate.

Political Party, Interest Group, Pressure Group, Bureaucracy, Elite, Civil Society.

Local Government, Local Self-Government.

Selected Readings

Alan Ball, Modern Politics and Government, London: Macmillan Press, 1977.

David Easton, The Political System: An Inquiry into the State of Political Science, New York: Knopf, 1953.

G. Ponton and P. Gill, Introduction to Politics, London: Blackwell Publishers, 1987.

Harold Laski, A Grammar of Politics, London: Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1931.

J. W. Garner, Introduction to Political Science, New York: American Book Co., 1910.

K. C. Wheare, Modern Constitutions, London: Oxford University Press, 1952.

R. A. W. Rhodes, Sarah A. Binder and Bert A. Rockman (Eds.), The Oxford Handbooks of Political Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Rodee, Andersonet at, Introduction to Political Science, New York: McGraw Hill, 1983.

Rymond G. Gettell, Political Science, Bostom: Ginn and Co., 1910.

মোঃ মাকসুদুর রহমান, রাষ্ট্রীয় সংগঠনের রূপরেখা, রাজশাহীঃ বুকস প্যাভিলিয়ন, ২০০৬ ।

GP-103: Public Administration in Bangladesh

Learning Objectives
  • To help students with an understanding and knowledge of different approaches to the Study of Public Administration.
  • To generate arguments for clarifying the basic terms and issues of traditional public administration, new public administration and development economics with particular focus on Bangladesh.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of key approaches to study of Public Administration.
  • To be able to examine how new public administration and development administration encounters traditional public administration.
Course Content

Public Administration: Concept, Scope and the Principles of Public Administration as well as Approaches to the Study of Public Administration

Organization and Management: Formal and Informal Organizations, Theories (Classical, New-classical and Modern)

Administrative Concepts: Hierarchy, Division of Work, Coordination, Span of Control, Unity of Command, Line and Staff, Centralization and Decentralization, Departmentalization.

Bureaucracy: Meaning and Characteristics: Political and Administrative Role.

Administrative Functions: Decision-Making Theory, Concept of Leadership, Organizational Communication, Motivation.

Personnel Management: Meaning, Scope, Recruitment and Selection, Promotion, Training, Salary and Wage Administration with Examples of Bangladesh.

Administrative Accountability in Bangladesh: Legislative, Executive and Judicial

Development of Public Administration during British-India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Selected Reforms Commissions of Bangladesh.

Structure and Organization of Bangladesh Secretariat and other Agencies and their Relationships, Control and Co-ordination in Managing the Civil Service.

Decision Making Process in Bangladesh: Dilemma of Top-Down Approach

Administrative Culture, Recent Trends of Bangladesh Administration.

Selected Readings

Ahmed Shafiqul Huque, Politics and Administration in Bangladesh, Dhaka: UPL, 1988.

B. B. Misra, The Bureaucracy in India: An Historical Analysis of Development up to 1947, 1977.

Charles H. Levine, B. Guy Peters, and Frank J. Thompson, Public Administration, Challenges, Choice, Consequence, Scott Foresman & Co, 1990.

Chester I. Barnard, The Functions of the Executive, USA: Harvard University Press, 1971.

Dwight Waldo, The Administrative State, New York: The Ronald Press, 1948.

Felix A. Nigro and Lloyd G. Nigro, Modern Public Administration, New York: Harper and Row, 1977.

Habib Zafarullah and Mohammad Mohabbat Khan, The Bureaucratic Ascendancy: Public Administration in Bangladesh, A H Development Publishing House, Dhaka: 2005.

Istiaq Jamil, Administrative Culture in Bangladesh, Dhaka: A H Development Publishing House, 2007.

John M. Pfiffner, Public Administration, New York: The Ronald Press, 1935.

Kamal Siddiqui,Towards Good Governance: Fifty unpleasant Essays, Dhaka: University Press Ltd., 1996.

Mahbubur Rahman Morshed, Bureaucratic Response to Administrative Decentralization, Dhaka: University Press Ltd., 1997.

Md. Mohabbat Khan, Bureaucratic Self Preservation, Dacca: University of Dacca, 1980.

Mohammad Mohabbat Khan, and John P. Thorp Bangladesh: Society, Politics and Bureaucracy, Dhaka: Center for Administrative Studies, 1984

Nizam Ahmed, 40 Years of Public Administration and Governance in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Ltd., 2014.

Paul H. Appleby, Public Administration for a Welfare State, London: Asia Publishing House, 1970.

Peter M. Blau and Charles H. Page, Bureaucracy in Modern Societies, New York: Random House, 1956.

Syed Giasuddin Ahmed, Bangladesh Public Service Commission, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 1990.

Syed Giasuddin Ahmed, Public Personnel Administration in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 1986.

W. F. Willoughby, Principles of Public Administration, Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1957.

GP-104: Political and Constitutional Processes in British India (1757-1947)

Learning Objectives
  • To inform students about the colonial politics from South Asian perspectives
  • To clarify the issues pertaining to the socio-economic, political and administrative culture of British Colonial India
Learning Outcomes
  • To explore the causes and consequences of British colonial rule in Indian sub-continent
  • To identify the gravity of social, economic, political and institutional exploitation British Colonial Ruler conferred in Indian sub-continent
Course Content

British East India Company and Colonialism Colonial Structure— Impact of Permanent Settlement— Rise of Middle Class — Sepoy Mutiny (1857), Its Causes and Impacts, Faraiji and Alighar Movements, Growth of Subgroups, Associations and Parties, Communalism and Nationalist Movement.

Constitutional Development after 1857─ Growth of Legislative Councils, Problems of Representation and Responsible Government, India Council Acts of 1861 and 1892, Morley Minto Reforms, Montagu-Chelmsford Report, Dyarchy and Provincial Autonomy, Simon Commission, Neheru Report, Government of India Act 1935 and Its Working.

The League-Congress Tussle since the Lahore Resolution in the Cripps Mission, Simla Conference (1945), the Cabinet Mission Plan (1946), Transfer of Power, Indian Independence Act 1947.

Selected Readings

Abul Mansur Ahmed, Amar Dekha Rajnitir Panchash Bachar (in Bengali), Dhaka: Naoroze Kitabistan, 1975.

Anil Seal, The Emergence of Indian Nationalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

J. H. Broomfield, Elite Conflict in a Plural Society: Twentieth century Bengal, California: California University Press, 1968.

K. B. Sayeed, Pakistan: The Formative Phase 1948-1957, London: Oxford University Press, 1964.

L. A. Gordon, Bengal: The Nationalist Movement 1876-1940, New York: Columbia University Press, 1974.

Nirad C. Chaudhuri, The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, London: Macmillan, 1951.

R. C. Agarwal, Constitutional History of India and Nationalist Movement, New Delhi: S. Chan and Co., 1978.

R. C. Majumder, History of Freedom Movement in India, Calcutta: Firma K. L. Mukhopadhya, 1963.

Sirajul Islam (ed.), History of Bangladesh 1704-1971, Vol. I (Political History) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 1992.

Suprokash Roy, Bharater Jatiyatabadi Baiplobik Songram (in Bengali), Calcutta: Sibam dey, 1983.

GP-105: Fundamentals of Economics

Learning Objectives
  • To familiarize students with fundamental theories of economics as social science
  • To give students understanding on how economic dynamics affect the governmental decisions and change the course of politics of a country
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to use economic notions in the study and research of social sciences
  • To be able to recognize the relationship between politics and economics
Course Content

Introduction: Economics – Definition, Scope and Methods.

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Economics and Political Science. Types of Economy, Markets.

Demand─ Determinants, Law of Demand, Production, Cost and Supply. Price and Output Determination in Different Types of Market. Pricing of inputs – Wage, Rent, Interest and Profit.

Concepts of National output aggregate – Aggregate demand and Aggregate Supply. Determination of National income and output.

Market failure, Role of government in economy Provision of Public Goods and Merit Goods. Fiscal Policy: Public Expenditure, Revenue and Public Debt. Taxes, Subsidies, Transfer Payment, Budget, Presentation of Budget, Deficit Budget and Management of Debt, Nationalization and Privatization, Planning in a Market Economy. Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy.

Economic Growth and Development: Basic Ideas of Economic Growth and Development. Balanced and Unbalanced Growth, Government Role in industrialization in Developing Countries, Agriculture-agriculture in Developing and Developed Countries, the Relationship Between Agriculture and Industry-Role of Government in Agricultural Development

Selected Readings

A. P. Thirlwall, Growth and Development with Special Reference to Developing Economics, London: Macmillan Education Ltd., 1972.

Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: Porcupine Press, 1949.

Charles Beard, Economic Basis of Politics, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2002.

Elbert V. Bowden, Principles of Economics, U.S.: South-Western Publishing Co., 1983.

K. K. Deweet, Modern Economics Theory, New Delhi: SLT, 1946.

Michael P. Todaro, Economic Development, London: Pearson Education Inc, 2000.

Michael Perkin, Micro Economics, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc, 2003.

P. A. Samuelson and W. D. Nordhaus, Economics, New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 2009.

R. G. Lipsey, An Introduction of Positive Economics, London:Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989.

W. J. Baumol and A. S. Blinder, Economics: Principles and Policy, Ohio:South-WesternCollege Pub, 2008.

GP-106: Fundamentals of International Politics

Learning Objectives
  • To give students awareness of the fundamental principles of international relations
  • To help students analyze the behavior of international actors and the nature of international systems
Learning Outcomes
  • To discuss and explain the various theoretical propositions used in the field of international relations to explain world politics
  • To analyze dynamics of contemporary international politics and its consequences
Course Content

International Politics: Meaning, Nature and Scope.

Approaches to the study of International Politics, Game theory, Decision-making theory, Realism, New-realism.

Nature of the Development of International Society, International and Regional System.

National Power and Its Elements, Power in International Politics: Hard, Soft and Smart Power. National Interest.

Cold War, Balance of Power: Balance of Threat and Balance of Interests, Bipolarity, Multipolarity, Non-Alignment.

Collective Security, Conflict Management.

Foreign Policy: Objectives and Goals, Determinants of Foreign Policy, Diplomacy.

International Law.

International Organizations – UNO: Its Functions, Security Council, Peace-Keeping Force;


Regional Organizations – EU, OIC, ASEAN, SAARC.

Selected Readings

J. E. Dougherty and R. L. Pfaltzgraff, Contending Theories of International Relations, New York: Longman, 1997.

J. Martin Rochester, Fundamental Principles of International Relations, Routledge, 2010.

J. N. Rosenau (ed.), International Politics and Foreign Policy, New York: The Free Press, 1971.

K. J. Holsti, International Politics, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967.

Michael P. Sullivan, International Relations: Theories and Evidence, Englewood Cliff, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.

N. D. Palmer and H. C. Perkins, International Relations, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1957.

N. J. Padelford and Q. A. Lincoln, The Dynamics of International Politics, New York: Macmillan, 1962.

Normal L. Hill, International Politics, New York: Harper, 1963.

Norman Judson Padelford, Fundamentals International Relations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1950.

P. A. Reynolds, An Introduction to International Relations, London: Longman, 1994.

Samuel P. Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.